Navigating the Unknown
Don’t decide everything at the point you know the least — When I teach Agile Development and Planning in my DevOps course, I like to start off with this quot...
Don’t decide everything at the point you know the least — When I teach Agile Development and Planning in my DevOps course, I like to start off with this quot...
You can’t afford not to do it — Test Driven Development (TDD) is the practice of writing test cases for the code you wish you had, and then writing the code ...
DevOps Engineer seems to be a job title that causes a fair amount of confusion. Perhaps this is because it’s an anti-pattern.
It depends on your definition of “duties” — This question almost always comes up when I present the culture of DevOps to customers.
Docker containers all the way down — In my article Creating Repeatable Development Environments, I showed how I use Vagrant as an orchestrator and VirtualBox...
Docker containers all the way down — Development teams are up against an age old problem: how do you ensure that your development environment is the same acr...