3D Track Motion Pivot
Changing the Pivot Point
This tutorial shows you how to change the pivot point of a frame in 3D Track Motion using Sony Vegas Pro . Changing the pivot point is quite simple. It’s done by turning off Editing in Object Space and then moving the pivot point. Here is how its done:
Click on Track Motion for the track you want to pivot in 3D space
In the Track Motion dialog, select 3D Source Alpha to put the track motion into 3D mode.
Make sure Edit In Object Space is disabled. (i.e., not selected)
You will see a dot in the center of the frame in the Perspective view window. Move this dot to where ever you want. (off to one side if you want it to turn like a book page)
Now when you rotate your frame, it will rotate around the new pivot point at the edge of the page.
That’s all there is to it. The key it to disable Edit In Object Space. Otherwise the edits will always be relative to the center of the object you are manipulating.
Happy Editing,
Johnny “Roy” Rofrano