Shuttle Pro Setup

1 minute read

I have the Contour Designs ShuttlePRO v2 and I wouldn’t edit without it. Once you get use to the Jog and Shuttle wheels you’ll wonder how you ever edited without it too. Sony Vegas Pro even ships with a preference file for the Shuttle series of devices. Here is a tutorial on how to set up the Contour Shuttle to work with Sony Vegas Pro:

  1. Open the Shuttle Pro Control Panel by right-clicking on the icon in your docking tray in the lower right corner of your Windows desktop.

  2. Click the Options button in the Control Panel and select Import Settings

  3. Navigate to the Program Files folder where Sony Vegas Pro is installed and find the .prefs file for your Shuttle device. I have the ShuttlePRO v2 so I selected the file “Sony - Vegas Pro 10 – ShuttlePRO v2.pref”

  4. Your should now see a new setting for Vegas Pro 10 in the Application Settings drop down. Press the Apply button and you’re done!

That’s all there is to it. Now any time you load Sony Vegas Pro 10, the shuttle will recognize the application and load the setting automatically. You don’t need to do anything else. Purchasing the Contour ShuttlePRO v2 was definitely money well spent.

I’m considering picking up the smaller ShuttleXpress to carry around with my laptop. You can customize the settings to your liking so don’t forget to explore the different buttons and see what they do. Until next time…

Happy Editing,

John Rofrano